Monday, February 27, 2006

really seeing yourself for who you are

do you ever wonder how some days you look in the mirror and feel thin.

and others you feel not so thin?

why is that?

today fortunately is a thin day but what i would like is to feel the same way every day.

it's funny because for years i never thought i was thin enough which is just plain dumb.

i'm 5 61/2, most of my life have weighed around 130-135 and i thought i was fat.


i wish i embraced myself years before.

i wish every day we all could embrace ourselves more than we do.

i wonder why we don't?


b said...

I will often think I look fine in the mirror, but then I see a photo, and cringe! What I wouldn't give to weigh 135. Someday....

Anonymous said...

Because we spend too much time looking at how other people look. In magazines and in movies and those images of insane perfection are pounded in our heads. I haven't felt thin in years. I haven't BEEN thin in years. All my life I was thin so it's really hard for me to deal with weight issues now. Frustrating.

Anonymous said...

It must be along the same lines as the fact that I have never seen you, but you are beautiful to me. If we could look at everyone that same way, to be able to see their minds and hearts FIRST, I'm sure we wouldn't miss out on so much.