Thursday, February 09, 2006

do you see what i do?

on one of the blogs i read everyday (, talks about signs from our loved ones after they pass. i have always fully believed in them, i just don't know if i know when i'm receiving one.

i wasn't very specific with my mom when i asked her to visit me. i should have decided beforehand what i wanted the sign to be so i knew it was her.

i believe she leaves me pennies/dimes around the house, our old one and this one. every couple of days there is a new penny in the bottom of the main bathroom's toilet. now i don't know if it's coming from my mom or from the previous owner, who died about 7 years ago.

i do feel or felt that the lady (owner) is still around the house. binks is like me, quite sensitive to feelings/dreams etc. after we moved in here his nightmares started again.

one night, he woke up screaming in a different way then he had before. hub got up with him. while i was laying in bed trying to fall back asleep, i figured i'd get up and go to the bathroom which is right across from my bed (ensuite). now granted since i was only moving 2 ft. i didn't put my glasses on which means things are little blurry for me. as i got up i saw hub come in the room, or to be exact i saw white come into the room in front of our bed. i continued on to the bathroom, did my business, and came back to bed. i asked hub what was wrong with binks. no answer.

for anyone who knows me well, knows that the middle of the night is not a pleasant time for me, i tend to be a bit bitchy, so not answering is not very smart. i asked again, no answer. i moved my arm over to his side to see if he was awake. no hub.

seriously he was not lying there and i swore he came into the room. i felt a little creeped out but must have fallen back asleep. in the morning i asked what was wrong and hub answered" binks thought someone was in his room"

um, ya she was and then she came into ours!

now i'm not afraid of her ( and how do i know it's a her, i just feel it) i think that once a young family moved in again, and children are sleeping in the rooms that her children slept in, she's just checking on them in the night.

binks has seen her in the morning also but he doesn't realize what she is...he just comes running into our room saying someone went downstairs.

one night i had a book party and one of the guests does reiki and feels things other don't. while we were talking she kept looking at the corner where our tv is. finally she mentioned that a lady was sitting there in a rocking chair. yes, the hairs on the back of my neck and arms were at full attention.

like i said i'm not afraid of her, i think she misses her kids and just wants to know who's in her house.

i often see butterflies especially white ones when we are camping or doing anything outdoors. more so if i'm with boo which i think is my mom saying she's there with us also.

i think my mom plays tricks on me by hiding things that i know i put somewhere else. but i want more concrete signs.

show me you're really here.

and i wonder if others are leaving me signs and i'm just not picking up on it.
does that song that reminds me of us come on coincidentally while i'm thinking of him or is he telling me," i'm here"?

do any of you have stories of signs?


Anonymous said...

I think you know all of my little stories. But the most recent one was the Christmas before last when I found the "To/From" tag in the bottom of the Christmas stuff while I was wrapping presents. It said "To: The best kid in the world. From: Mom". I'm always finding things she had written all over the house and shoved in books and notepads. Even if it's just a grocery list, it gets me every time to see her handwriting.

I always tell her that I hope she has better, more exciting things to do than to watch over me. I don't want her to see me crying and missing her. :)

Jewels said...

The other night before My Dad and My Mom left for their cruise. They were staying at my house because we live closer to the airport and they needed to be at the airport by 4:45 am. Anyways my dad and I were drinking red wine and talking. My dad loves to paint and he was talking about how he feels his paintings have improved over the last few years and how is very proud of his creative side now. Well right at that moment. I knew that my aunt, my dad's sister and your mom was standing right there with us. I said Dad Aunty Linda is here. She is right beside you. My dad turned to his right and Said " Hi Linda". I was like okay dad why is Linda visiting us right now. He said she visits a lot while he paints. He feels he has painted many paintings with her, inspiring him all the time. She was very creative and loved to help people find their own ways to be creative.

My Grandma use to visit me a lot. I remember one time when I was dusting my book shelf. Our Living Room is inspired By my Husband's native land of Africa. So here I am moving the stuff off of each shelf and dusting everything off. Both of my Grandparents picture I have on this book shelf. My Grnadma's picture at this time was beside an Naked statue of a lady Masai. All of a sudden I go to put everything back into it's place and in my head is my Grandmother's voice loud and clear saying to me "Don't you put me beside that naked thing". You know my Nana she is very out spoken. I was like " Okay Nana I won't" and then I moved her to different spot beside the Naked Male Masai. She is much happier now.

b said...

I thought I already posted a response, but apparently I didn't!

You know that I'm totally into this, and that I've been picking up on signs more and more. The song thing that you mention? I don't believe it's a coincidence at all.

My husband was a huge Bruce Springsteen fan, I mean huge. Well, it's a very rare occasion that I will be driving and not hear one of his songs on the radio. I could be driving to the gas station at the end of the street, and one of his songs will come on. There's no way that's a coincidence.

You just have to be open to the signs, and suddenly they will be everywhere.

I'm glad you're enjoying my blog. I'm enjoying yours as well.
