Monday, February 20, 2006

forever loved

today has been one of those days that can somehow feel very introspective for no reason. on days like this i tend to cry easily and think alot about my mom.

i realized today how truly charmed my life actually is. yes, i might have had to go through some rough stuff like my parents divorce, being a single mom for awhile and my mom's death but if i look honestly at my life i've had it alot better than some.

i have to thank my mom for that. truly.

she gave me everything she had to give me. i may not have always had the most expensive clothes, or trips. she couldn't afford to buy me a car when i turned 16.

but what she did give was everything else. she loved me even when it was hard to even like me. she taught me to be strong and brave. she never wavered on wanting the best for me in life and she probably sacrificed alot more than i will ever know just to give me that.

she was there always. i never had to feel like there was no one who could ever love me more. i always knew that no matter what, i had a safe haven to go to. that even though i was an adult, a mother myself, that she would still sacrifice as much of herself as she could if it would make my life better.

her love for me never wavered, never ended, never weakened...even now in death i feel it so strongly that i can't imagine never having had it in the first place.

i am truly blessed for the mother i was born to and i will never forget that.


Anonymous said...

That was beautiful honey. And you know I feel the same way. We are a couple of fortunate women, aren't we? :o)

emotional girl said...

we truly are, we truly are.

b said...
