Monday, January 30, 2006

ugh, not again

i don't know what it is....suddenly i feel sad.
better not be pms again.

it's just been one of those nights that certain things have brought on the tears.

a moment (on one of the my shows) between sisters, that made me desperately wish that i had a sister. that's not something i usually feel. i have 4 great brothers ( okay, 1 really great bro , 2 pretty good ones and one that could be little better). but it's not like i don't know what having siblings to be there for you is like.
just that one moment made me wishful.

another moment made me miss my mom more than i usually do. i miss her most days but this moment was way more intense. just to have my mom wrap her arms around me like that again.

okay, i've made myself cry again. blah.

must be pms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww! I wish I could give you a great big hug. I know it wouldn't be the same as hugging our mom's, but it sure would be nice. :)