Thursday, January 19, 2006

no pain, no gain...

you're all probably wondering how my date went. (of course if you really were there would be some questions about it in the comments but alas, so far no questions or comments..hmmm?)

like any other first date, okay at least any of my first dates (ha ha) .... it was pleasant for both parties concerned. nice and quite relaxing. some endorphiines started pumping but didn't get overly excited. seems to be the start of a compatible relationship. until...

until that night. holy crap the pain in my right leg around the hip area. you would think i was 90 and had just fallen and couldn't get up (lol). there was pain, clicking, more pain, limping, even more pain.

so i've concluded that i am very out of shape whether i look like i am or not. i must be.

gym and i are back on talking/working terms, last night was another good walk and bike with no long lasting effects. i'm even going back for more tonight. hopefully gym understands the need to not cause too much pain or that will be the end for us. although as the saying goes" no pain, no gain"

i would just like to know who really says that?


Jewels said...

I finally figured out how this bloggin thing works. I am also an emotional girl. I love to live my life through my feelings. This is the truest part of me. My feelings come straight from my heart and soul. This allows me to be compassionate and joyful in my life. I would not want to learn any of me lifes lessons any other way.


emotional girl said...

i love it took me a long time to start trusting my feelings when a decision had to be made but now i know if i really listen, the right answer usually comes. sometimes though i feel a little unstable with all these feelings, okay maybe a little nutty too:)but i wouldn't change it at all

b said...

I left you a new comment under your Jan 13th post :O)

emotional girl said...

hi b..thanks for reading and commenting. i just finished reading your entire blog, it's beautiful, funny, heart-wrenching and amazingly truthful. i will comment on your next entry.

b said...

Ohmygoodness! You read the whole thing?! Thanks very much, those are very kind compliments.