Thursday, November 23, 2006

Today has been a strange day. My emotions have swung almost to extreme. At some points I felt so grateful for my life...for my family especially my kids and the hub, my friends..those of whom I've known forever and the ones I've recently met.

Other moments were sad. Just plain sad.

I haven't in 4 years been able to keep a picture of my mom up, it still hurts too much but the day after my step-dad's service I put one of him and I at my wedding on my fridge door. I see it constantly and a lot of the times I feel the urge to take it down. It causes me pain that I am sometimes trying to avoid. But I make myself keep it there. Hoping that it will eventually just seem normal and that may help me put up one of my mom.

I had an urge today to hear his voice so I called his number. While I dialed I had the radio on, a station I constantly listen to. I stood in my kitchen with my heart beating fast, known no one was going to pick up and at the same time praying/hoping he would answer. He didn't but his machine did. It's the first time I made myself listen to the recording. It made me miss him in a way I haven't let myself feel in the past 2 weeks.

I stood in my kitchen with tears streaming down my face and guess what song came on the radio?

Yes, my mom's funeral song: A thousand miles.

She wanted me to know she was there. It must be hard on her to see my cry. As parents we do everything in our power to take away our children's pain and she can't do that for me anymore in the way I desperately need her to at times. It's just not the same. Life is just not the same and it never will be.

Don't worry, I really am okay...I know that I am strong, as strong as everyone else I know and love but I just miss them in ways I can't even describe to myself.....


Anonymous said...

I hope you'll be to the point soon when you can have your Mom's pictures around you. Mine make me feel a little better. Yes, it hurts. But they also make me smile. Just seeing her smiling face as I walk through my house makes me happy. I 'talk' to her that way sometimes too. I couldn't imagine my house without her in it somehow. I have my Dad's pictures around too. But that's just not the same, for me. What can I say, I am a photo whore. ;)

Kelli said...

That is really awesome about the song from your moms funeral playing. Whenever I hear the song that was played at my moms funeral it always gets to me.

Im with heather..I hope you are able to have your moms pics up. I have surrounded myself with my moms picture. I cant risk that I will forget the details of her face. I think they help me remember the other little stuff too.

My new address is changingitupjustbecase.blogspot. Hope to see you over there soon.