Sunday, April 09, 2006

do you ever have one of those moments where you are just so disappointed in how you reacted to a situation? or how your life has turned out?

one minute you're feeling blessed, the next you just wished for most of it to be different.

that the one huge choice you made in your life feels completely like the wrong one.

that maybe you really would be better off alone as that is how you feel a lot of the time, especially at certain moments.

i feel exactly like that right now...and i hate feeeling this way and even more , i hate having to admit it.

moments like this i really want my mom.

i guess i'll have to settle for some therapy instead :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I could offer chit chat over coffee and/or alcohol and hug therapy. I'm sure we'd have lots to talk about. And you know that I completely understand still wanting your mom.

I think we all second guess our big decisions and wish things could be different now and again. Try not to beat yourself up over it too badly. Because you'll be feeling blessed again in no time...just watch.